文/ 謝啟彬
所以,我們希望能持續分享從古典樂出身,轉而學習爵士樂、演奏爵士樂,並教授爵士樂的經驗談。原文是以英文寫成,回應的是曾經跟凱雅老師上過課、也是古典科班畢業、目前在海外學習爵士樂的一位爵士鋼琴學生,後面還有另一位同樣也是古典轉爵士的比利時爵士樂老師Bart DeNolf之回應,現在皆將其譯“回”中文,希望對更多人有所幫助!
1. 練習的速度愈慢愈好,真正花時間去習慣那些音符的「方向」與「形狀」,也就是磨鍊說話的語氣與思考的方式
2. 一定要跟著原來的版本同步演奏!—跟著CD或是音樂播放彈奏,而且是原來的速度,當然這絕對需要時間練習,然而你就是必須要在1與2之間來回練習並進步,這就是磨鍊說話的技巧與思考的速度
在爵士音樂中,絕不光是只有技巧而已,你絕對需要技巧!甚至我還必須強調你需要很多「Chops」(爵士樂手俚語:意指流暢的爵士語彙運用與高超的技法呈現),然而在爵士樂中比較重要的是,你在和絃進行上的選音、你音符上的動能或搖擺感、你演奏時的感情投入與即興時的故事性。看看偉大的爵士音樂家如口琴手Toots Thielemans吧!(Bart老師是Toots的樂團貝斯手),他五十年前就可以演奏精彩絕倫的Bebop即興旋律線條,而時至今日他仍持續在找尋:如何用更少的音符表達出更多音樂的方法~
可以參考此文:Charlie Parker Omnibook之介紹應用及Bebop概念初探
From a classical-background student now working on Jazz:
I can't play fast... Classical technique is totally useless here... AW!!!!!
Chi-pin Hsieh:
It's all about the "direction" and "shape" of the notes. In classical music study, the Etudes we were practicing were always kinda a preparation for the "Real Pieces" by those great composers, because they were from the same era, same region, maybe even the same school of writing. So we can say that we were so used to the certain "directions" or "shapes" of the notes for long.
One practical tip is (as always but sometimes students forgot to do it): Transcribe the noted Jazz Musicians' solos, then play
1. as slow as possible to get used to the different "directions" & "shapes" - The way to talk & think
2. Play along with them! - play with the CD or Music at the same speed, yes it takes time, but you need to do 1. & 2. back & forth. - The skill to talk & think
That's the ultimate solution to obtain the techniques.
Why? The answer is simple, if practicing all the classical music repertoire is the key, then why Zimmerman can't play jazz? why Yo-yo Ma can't play Jazz? It's not about the speed nor the difficulty.
So, you need to do something that somebody already done before somewhere & sometimes, in the music genre you are trying to familiar with. Especially in Jazz, Improvising on the given Chord Changes or Song Forms is the game, so you can't improvise ON techniques (you will be trapped into the techniques which you could), you should improvise BY techniques, but the "right way".
Fill some bucks into your pocket then you can spend them when you travel, but first of all the right currency!
Hope this helps! ^^
Bart De Nolf:
In jazz it is not only about technique. You need technique, I would say even a lot! Chops. But it is more about the notes, the groove or swing, the feeling and the story. Look at the musician Toots who played fantastic bebop lines 50 years ago. Today he is constantly searching to say more with less notes.
Chi-pin Hsieh:
Bart is right, that's we usually call it Chops, it's more than techniques. And you do need techniques to get your chops. So I wouldn't say that studying classical music is useless, Bart and I all studied it, so did Kai-ya & many students. The tip that I advised is just trying to make you realize it and find a way than blaming the classical training, they will all be worth one day when you look back, trust me! ^^
(photo by Vincent Bai)
所以,我們希望能持續分享從古典樂出身,轉而學習爵士樂、演奏爵士樂,並教授爵士樂的經驗談。原文是以英文寫成,回應的是曾經跟凱雅老師上過課、也是古典科班畢業、目前在海外學習爵士樂的一位爵士鋼琴學生,後面還有另一位同樣也是古典轉爵士的比利時爵士樂老師Bart DeNolf之回應,現在皆將其譯“回”中文,希望對更多人有所幫助!
1. 練習的速度愈慢愈好,真正花時間去習慣那些音符的「方向」與「形狀」,也就是磨鍊說話的語氣與思考的方式
2. 一定要跟著原來的版本同步演奏!—跟著CD或是音樂播放彈奏,而且是原來的速度,當然這絕對需要時間練習,然而你就是必須要在1與2之間來回練習並進步,這就是磨鍊說話的技巧與思考的速度
在爵士音樂中,絕不光是只有技巧而已,你絕對需要技巧!甚至我還必須強調你需要很多「Chops」(爵士樂手俚語:意指流暢的爵士語彙運用與高超的技法呈現),然而在爵士樂中比較重要的是,你在和絃進行上的選音、你音符上的動能或搖擺感、你演奏時的感情投入與即興時的故事性。看看偉大的爵士音樂家如口琴手Toots Thielemans吧!(Bart老師是Toots的樂團貝斯手),他五十年前就可以演奏精彩絕倫的Bebop即興旋律線條,而時至今日他仍持續在找尋:如何用更少的音符表達出更多音樂的方法~
可以參考此文:Charlie Parker Omnibook之介紹應用及Bebop概念初探
From a classical-background student now working on Jazz:
I can't play fast... Classical technique is totally useless here... AW!!!!!
Chi-pin Hsieh:
It's all about the "direction" and "shape" of the notes. In classical music study, the Etudes we were practicing were always kinda a preparation for the "Real Pieces" by those great composers, because they were from the same era, same region, maybe even the same school of writing. So we can say that we were so used to the certain "directions" or "shapes" of the notes for long.
One practical tip is (as always but sometimes students forgot to do it): Transcribe the noted Jazz Musicians' solos, then play
1. as slow as possible to get used to the different "directions" & "shapes" - The way to talk & think
2. Play along with them! - play with the CD or Music at the same speed, yes it takes time, but you need to do 1. & 2. back & forth. - The skill to talk & think
That's the ultimate solution to obtain the techniques.
Why? The answer is simple, if practicing all the classical music repertoire is the key, then why Zimmerman can't play jazz? why Yo-yo Ma can't play Jazz? It's not about the speed nor the difficulty.
So, you need to do something that somebody already done before somewhere & sometimes, in the music genre you are trying to familiar with. Especially in Jazz, Improvising on the given Chord Changes or Song Forms is the game, so you can't improvise ON techniques (you will be trapped into the techniques which you could), you should improvise BY techniques, but the "right way".
Fill some bucks into your pocket then you can spend them when you travel, but first of all the right currency!
Hope this helps! ^^
Bart De Nolf:
In jazz it is not only about technique. You need technique, I would say even a lot! Chops. But it is more about the notes, the groove or swing, the feeling and the story. Look at the musician Toots who played fantastic bebop lines 50 years ago. Today he is constantly searching to say more with less notes.
Chi-pin Hsieh:
Bart is right, that's we usually call it Chops, it's more than techniques. And you do need techniques to get your chops. So I wouldn't say that studying classical music is useless, Bart and I all studied it, so did Kai-ya & many students. The tip that I advised is just trying to make you realize it and find a way than blaming the classical training, they will all be worth one day when you look back, trust me! ^^