啟彬與凱雅的爵士樂 2015十月首度出訪俄羅斯 參與托木斯克國際爵士樂研討會與音樂節! Chipin & Kaiya's Jazz will visit Russia for the International Jazz Symposium, workshops and concerts!


10/12至10//14三天中,謝啟彬與張凱雅將於此研討會中受邀進行專題講座與大師班指導,並與諸多世界知名爵士樂大師如長號手Steve Turre、鼓手Tommy Campbell、薩克斯風手Rosario Giuliani、小號手Melton Mustafa、貝斯手Askhat Sayfullin、鋼琴手Silvano Monasterios等,共同擔任評審團評審,並於多場對外公開音樂會中同台演出 ,呈現深具台灣特色與國際水準的爵士樂作品!


International music symposium

The first time in Russia, the first time in Siberia
Tomsk State University and Tomsk Region Administration

are greatly honored to invite students, teachers and students of music departments of educational institutions to take part in the International Students Jazz Symposium,
which will take place from 12 to 14 October 2015 at Tomsk State University (Tomsk, Russia).

The programme includes:
 •    scientific conference «Technologies of spontaneous self-expression as a method of actualisation of human creativity»

•    workshops and master-classes hold by the invited world jazz stars

•    the festival of young jazz musicians

•    final gala concert

Participating delegates will be provided with free accommodation, meals, master-classes of world jazz stars and fascinating excursions for Tomsk sightseeing.

Invited masters of jazz:

Steve Turre (USA, Trombone and Shells), jazz trombonist, a pioneering musical seashell virtuoso, a composer, arranger, and educator at the collegiate-conservatory level

Melton Mustafa (USA, trumpeter), assistant professor of music and director of jazz studio in Florida Memorial University.

Tommy Campbell (USA, drummer), teacher of jazz improvisation (vocal and drums) at Berkley College of Music.

Askhat Saifullin (Russia, contrabass), the organizer and promoter of jazz in Siberia, the art director of the international jazz festivals in Russia and abroad.

Silvano Monasterios (pianist/composer)

Chi-pin Hsieh (Taiwan, Violin & Strings) and Kai-ya Chang (Taiwan, Jazz Pianist, educator and writer)

....And many others!

評審團成員 Judges


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