2015年九月在南非開普敦Paul Bothner音樂中心舉辦專題工作坊所受到的熱烈迴響 Positive Feedbacks about the Workshop at Paul Bothener Music, Cape Town, September 22nd 2015
九月二十二日:啟彬與凱雅現代小提琴與效果器使用工作坊(保羅巴特納樂器)09.22 Modern Violin & Beyond (Workshop at Paul Bothner Music)Chipin & Kaiya's Jazz Site - http://www.chipinkaiyajazz.com/
Posted by 啟彬與凱雅的爵士樂 Chipin & Kaiya's Jazz on 2015年9月26日
From the Official Website of Paul Bothner Music:
The internationally renowned violinist Chi-Pin Hsieh recently presented a workshop at Paul Bothner Music in Plumstead. The great bass player, Alistair Andrews was in attendance and this to say about the workshop:
Our Plumstead Superstore had the honor of hosting a fantastic workshop by Taiwanese violinist Chi-pin Hsieh, accompanied by his wife Kai-ya Chang on piano.
The workshop was super informative and Chi-pin has the ability to present things that are complicated in a very simple way. He also has a great sense of humor.
Those present were taken on a journey from Blues to Rock to Funk to Country to Classical to Asian to Latin to Jazz and Fusion Music.
He is an amazing player and teacher and explained music expressions, that went far beyond the violin and could benefit anybody that loves music regardless of their taste or level in music and irrespective of whether they play a musical instrument or not. Kai-ya is an awesome piano player and assisted with practical examples. Alistair Andrews joined them on bass on a Latin tune.
He uses effects on his violin, which is not very common and explained how to use them in a way that could benefit any instrumentalist. They also touched on their journey as musicians and the studies and hard work they put in and sacrifices they made to get where they are.
In the Q&A at the end of the workshop, I think that every one had their questions answered in a very satisfactory way. All and all, one of those workshops that is just a cut above the rest. It was absolute magic and those who missed it missed a lot.
國際知名的小提琴家謝啟彬,近期在Paul Bothner Music的開普敦Plumstead中心舉行了一場工作坊,本中心的貝斯老師,也是很棒的貝斯手Alistair Andrews參與了這場活動,並且分享了他的現場目擊:
啟彬是一位了不起的演奏家與教師,在傳授音樂的表現力上,其實已經超越了小提琴,對所有熱愛音樂且不分程度的觀眾都非常有幫助,甚至不管他們會不會演奏樂器,即便是單純的愛樂者都能學到很多。凱雅也是一位很厲害的演奏家,並且在工作坊中隨時提供許多實用的範例。而貝斯手Alistair Andrews最後也參與合奏了一首拉丁曲風的曲子。
南非知名爵士樂評人Paul Sedres,也是南非爵士樂諸多商業、推廣與教育活動的推手,在主動參與了多場啟彬與凱雅的音樂會、講座與教學後,對來自台灣的我們留下了這樣的評語!The South African Jazz...
Posted by 啟彬與凱雅的爵士樂 Chipin & Kaiya's Jazz on 2015年10月4日
One of the best music workshops I've attended in a long time. The musicians simplified complex musical elements and concepts, and brought understanding of this in a way that is fun and educational. Chi-pin and Kai-ya are amazing pioneers for jazz in Taiwan and great ambassadors for their country. After this, I'm keen to visit Taiwan.
(Paul Sedres 南非知名爵士樂評人與策展人)
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Chi-pin Hsieh as the Educator & Lecturer
Kai-ya Chang as the Educator & Lecturer