Finally, the digital album of Chipin & Kaiya's 2010 album "Mimi Meimei" is online! You can listen to it on Spotify
Jazz Quintet Recording with Special Guest
Collaboration of International Jazz Masters for the 10th Anniversary
謝啟彬 Chi-pin Hsieh - Violin
張凱雅 Kai-ya Chang - Piano
巴特迪諾夫 Bart De Nolf - Double Bass
米米費德拉梅 Mimi Verderame - Drums
約翰若寇 John Ruocco - Clarinet & Tenor Sax
矢次保子 Yasuko Yatsugi - Harmonica
林文昱 Wen-yu Lin - Percussion
Track List
1. 米米妹妹 ( 張凱雅 ) Mimi Meimei (Kai-ya Chang)
2. 草仔粿 ( 張凱雅 ) Hakka Green Cake (Kai-ya Chang)
3. 漲潮 ( 張凱雅 ) The Rising Tide (Kai-ya Chang)
4. 馬雅文明 ( 張凱雅 ) Maya Civilization (Kai-ya Chang)
5. 窯 ( 張凱雅 ) Kiln (Kai-ya Chang)
6. 黃罐髮油 ( 張凱雅 ) Hair Oil in the Yellow Can (Kai-ya Chang)
7. 爵士拼貼 ( 張凱雅 ) 14 Jazz (Kai-ya Chang)
8. 十九小時的似曾相識 ( 張凱雅 ) Deja Vu 19 (Kai-ya Chang)
9. 比布的積木 ( 張凱雅 ) Bebu's Building (Kai-ya Chang)
10. 葉子哈啾 ( 張凱雅 ) Leaves Ah-Choo (Kai-ya Chang)
11. 五月雨 ( 張凱雅 ) Rain In May (Kai-ya Chang)
If you are outside of Taiwan and would like to purchase our albums digitally, besides CD Baby, they distribute the albums to Apple iTunes, Google Music Store...
The distribution is worldwide, so if there is a message says that you can't buy it(them) in your country, just go to the right bottom then Change Country and it will work!
More items on the way!