
文 / 謝啟彬

這首曲子是我們的「招牌曲」之一,專輯版在「爵士台灣映象」中是二重奏,因為當時回國(2003)時,台灣沒有鼓手與貝斯手可以演奏這樣的層次與律動,也是一種Modern Jazz的風味,所以我們常以二重奏的形式演出,甚至在自己的結婚典禮上,都親自演出給眾親友聽,他們都很感動~


到了2008年,我們邀請John Ruocco、Bart De Nolf、Mimi Verderame來台跟我們一起巡迴,那時候凱雅肚子裡頭懷著老二妹妹,就這樣北中南演出,而我們初次跟Mimi合作,自然不會放過他呈現精細又華麗的爵士鼓律動機會,也再次演出了這首,呈現出來的格局,不只是場場觀眾叫好,連我們現在還記得那種音樂上的悸動與情緒上的波濤洶湧~

漸漸地,我們也一直在訓練本土年輕的樂手,藉由現代爵士樂的薰陶與調教,讓他們慢慢習慣這樣格局跟充滿起承轉合的音樂風格。所以,2015年六月中下旬,我們很開心,也很榮幸地,將這首《布袋漁市即景》應該有的樣子(聽起來很像是導演版 :P),完整地呈現給台南的觀眾朋友們!

我們感到很驕傲,希望你們也是,我們是來自嘉南平原的鄉下孩子,而我們在世界各地演奏台灣的爵士樂,包含下週的第二次南非行,又要跟南非的貝斯手與荷蘭的鼓手合作這首《Fish Market In Bubai Port》囉!

小提琴 - 謝啟彬 Chi-pin Hsieh - Violin
鋼琴 - 張凱雅 Kai-ya Chang - Piano
貝斯 - 石哲安 Che-an Shih - Bass
鼓 - 林俊宏 Jiun-hung Lin - Drums


Chipin & Kaiya's Jazz ~

"Chipin & Kaiya" is a very special combination. Violinist Chi-pin Hsieh and Pianist Kai-ya Chang are two musicians that majored in classical music, then went to Europe to study jazz music for years and graduated with master's degrees from the Jazz Department of Royal Conservatory Brussels (Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel), Belgium. After we went back to Taiwan in July 2002, we earnestly and enthusiastically performed in different places with various themes, and invited special guests to join our performance. By working with TIJEPA, we founded the annual Taipei International Summer Jazz Academy & Taipei International Jazz Festival, every year we invited international jazz masters coming to Taiwan performing and working together.

Chipin & Kaiya revealed an elegant music style with breadth and depth, and interacted with the audiences in a humorous way to present the relaxing aspect of jazz music.Our compositions also reveal the broad vision of the new generations of jazz musicians. We not only integrated the Taiwanese traditional music into their music, but also merged the music elements from all over the world to present a kind of music which full of the life scenes and landscapes in Taiwan. The re-arrangements of jazz standards or classic songs are full of creativity, fuse fruitful elements with each other but always sound enjoyable and fresh.

Chipin & Kaiya Jazz Quartet located in Taiwan, besides fixed members, we worked & invited other best Taiwanese or International jazz musicians in town to perform together. The style of Chipin & Kaiya Jazz Quartet contains more straight-ahead feel, we not only perform our original compositions but also make arrangements on jazz tunes. The Quartet has toured intensively in Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Israel, South Africa & Japan (Fukuoka, Okinawa, Kobe & Tokyo) and etc., 6 albums under our own name were released throughout the years.


